Business signage is a stable, constant and necessary piece of advertisement for your business whether it is small or large. Most small business owners are intimidated by the cost associated with business signage, but rarely take in the effect of what a good sign can do.
Large businesses typically have the fund$ available to get their signage in the shape, size and structure they need to represent their image. Small business owners tend think of business signage as a splurge, something that can be skimped in order to afford other relevant things for their business. What they don’t realize is how much a sign can deter or draw a customer in.
Image is everything when it comes to presentation and making an impact on your consumers. Your business image should create a reaction to the viewer(s). This reaction could be as simple as having such a unique sign that it will resonate with the consumer and generate comments with their friends. Or it may involve an impression to their memory so they remember the store, products or service you offer.
5 Tips to Remember about your Small Business Signage:
1) Placement. When thinking of placement for your sign you may have some regulations with local municipalities or your property manager. Be sure to check these things while in design as it may impact the location of the sign. If possible, test out several locations and ask customers for their opinions.
2) Visibility. Consider how visible you would like your sign to be. This could determine whether you go for a Pylon or Monument sign. There are many benefits to both types of signs, but these benefits can become hindered by your location of storefront. If your business is tucked away from a main street one of these will be more valuable to marketing your location.
3) Lighting. When your sign is non-illuminated your sign should still have illumination to it. Spotlights placed near the sign can provide the right type of lighting during the dark hours. This is also a great and potentially inexpensive alternative to an illuminated sign.
4) Competition. Scope the competition. This will give you leverage over them in knowing what they’re doing and how you can do it differently. When it comes to signage dare to be different! This involves creativity and a little imagination. Your competition can make or break your business so be sure to study them well!
5) Time. A sign for your business is an investment. This investment is a type of confidence appearance to your customers. You want it to withstand the length of your business and any weather conditions. Business owners should also keep in mind that a good sign takes time to design, permit, build and finally install. Don’t expect to call a sign company and get a new sign up next week. Typically the longest part of waiting for your sign is permits.
Still need more information about your Small Business Signage?
Download our Buyer’s Guide for the small business owner!

This document will help lead you through the process of starting your signage adventure.

(1) Drew Hendricks. A Small-Business Guide to Designing Compelling Signage. 2.6.2015.